юмор, анекдоты
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Why Digital Privacy Links to Anonymous Hosting


As individuals, we want to maintain our privacy in both the real and digital worlds. However, since companies record all our interactions and engagements, it is hard to stay anonymous online. Digital companies try to record our data and online movements. Later, they can sell this information to marketers who then target us with unnecessary ads.

Some notorious companies even sell this data to hackers and cybercriminals who do their best to access your bank accounts and other digital assets. Unfortunately, your privacy is not safe in today`s world if you are using your real identity.


If you are hosting a website with the standard provider, everyone can see your domain and hosting details since these are publicly available. Anyone can access information like your email address and other domain details.

The solution to this problem is moving your online project to an anonymous VPS hosting solution that protects digital privacy.


Let`s learn about these anonymous hosting in detail. But first, we should note that these anonymous hosting solutions are also called bitcoin hosting solutions because they receive payments only in cryptocurrencies.


What is Anonymous Hosting?


Crypto hosting solutions are anonymous hosting companies that allow users to keep their information completely private. When users want to create an account, they can use a private email account for registration. No verification is needed. Anonymous VPS only need your email address to keep you updated about maintenance windows and other news. This way, your identity is safe, and not even your credentials are sent to the email address associated with their hosting package.


How Bitcoin Hosting Guards Your Digital Privacy?


Crypto hosting solutions offer many features that can help to keep your digital privacy intact. Let`s go through these features and see how they protect your privacy.

1. DMCA Takedown Protection

The biggest worry for most internet users is the independent internet laws. Companies like DMCA can easily take down unwanted content from any website. Sites hosted on prominent hosts like NameCheap, Godaddy, and others might get removed all your content. The problem with DMCA is that they are not impartial. 

They only care about their clients - those that are paying them money. So, if they use the content of one service and then ask the DMCA to takedown that other content piece, they will do so. Why? Because DMCA Takedown Services can directly ask the hosting providers to remove any website. 

2. No Traceability

The best part about the bitcoin hosting services is that there is no traceability of the actual owner of a domain or a hosting package. If the website is hosted on an anonymous VPS server, no one can find out the website owner`s details. Another thing to note is that some anonymous VPS like PRV.to even offers the onion version of their site. Tor Browser prevents anyone watching your connection from knowing what websites you browse. Your traffic is relayed and encrypted three times as it passes over the Tor network. Your access is directed through thousands of volunteer-run servers known as Tor relays.

3. Easy Payments

Thanks to bitcoin, payments became as easy as they could. For anonymous VPS like PRV.to hosting that accepts bitcoin, bitcoin is the only way to pay your hosting fees. All you need is the bitcoin wallet so you can easily pay for your desired hosting package. Since cryptocurrencies don`t have any tracing option, no one can find out who is behind the bitcoin transaction.

4. No Data Leaks

Another problem that crypto hosting solutions have solved is communication security. With SSL security, anonymous security solutions allow end-to-end security.  Whether e-commerce, blogs, or application, end-to-end communication ensures that all types of data being entered remain completely secure. Moreover, PRV.to anonymous hosting solution allows users to have HTTP2 access. This way their visitors can enjoy faster access to information and in a much more secure way.


Crypto Hosting Solutions: A Solution to Digital Privacy Problem

The rising problems of digital privacy infringement are not only causing trust issues among the masses, but they are also obstructing digital businesses from carrying out their activities in a friendly and secure environment.

In such a scenario, one way to keep digital privacy safe is with the help of crypto VPS that is safe and secure. Anonymous VPS allows users to keep their privacy intact and not disclose any personal information.

At PRV.to, an anonymous hosting solution, we ensure that all your hosting data is safe and secure at all times. 


Our infrastructure is built on DigitalOcean cloud with data centers spread across the globe. You not only remain safe from independent internal laws but also from consortiums like Five-Eyes, Nine-Eyes, and other government-run intelligence agencies.

Buy hosting with bitcoin. Here in PRV.to we know how important anonymity is. 

Опубликовано: 04.08.2021
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